So, this year, to avoid similar confusion, I’ve taken some photos of the flowering trees near our beloved Building 30, which I offer to everyone as a Valentine’s Day treat... No strings attached, so to speak.
Not saying which day I took these photos so John won’t know which hour to dock out of my next paycheque. Just kidding, John! Go Saints! Go (LSU) Tigers!
You know what a drunken forest is, right? No, it isn’t some lonely, uniformed guy stuck in the middle of the Rockies, that is a drunken forester. A drunken forest is one that grew on permafrost that is now thawing due to normal cyclical weather patterns that have nothing to do with global warming, you know, according to people in Dallas and the East Coast who are suffering through a dump of snow this week. The photo on the left is not mine, I found it here. OK, so our trees aren’t exactly drunken, just a little wind swept. Likely some genius came up with a cost savings measure: “we’ll use 2x2’s to support these saplings rather than 2x4’s. Nobody will notice!” | |
Still, hard to beat the view from our balcony. Drunken Forest in the front, mountains (hills) at the back. This is also the view from my desk. OK, I know a guy who planned the seating (thanks, Chuck). | |
Considering that this was my view for about 8 years at the old building, I don’t feel too guilty about my present location. However, being part of the greater team, I do feel obliged to complain, despite my view, you know, to keep my finger on the pulse, to show camaraderie with those who didn’t get a window seat. So here goes, the office is too noisy when everyone is talking... the parking lot trees are crooked and my view of the mountain never changes, except when it rains! |
Happy Valentine's Day
Copyright © 2010 David G. Kelly